Bibi S. Ali, B.Sc., M.Sc., MBA, Ph.D.
Personal Coaching, Community Outreach and Stakeholder Input Facilitation
Dr Bibi Ali, is a highly trained and accomplished multi-skilled Caribbean woman who has distinguished herself as a thinker, educator, planner, researcher and personal/business coach. She is a graduate of the University of the West Indies with a Bachelor of Science degree in Agronomy, M.Sc. in crop protection and Ph.D. in Insect Pathology. In addition, she earned an MBA with a specialization in Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Dr. Ali recently completed a Diploma of Career Transition Coaching at the Australian Institute of Professional Coaches.
Her experience and training over the last 25 years has been in applied science, management, innovation, and career transition. In recent years she has been a facilitator of successful approaches to the design and conduct of focused needs assessments and professional coaching.
Dr. Ali has worked in business development since 2012 supporting the progress of small businesses, with a focus on those owned by women. Her work entails the conduct of focus group meetings and one-on-one interviews with business owners to understand their journey into entrepreneurship, challenges, and needs. She provides coaching and mentorship support for the implementation phase of new ideas. She is also a proponent of the development and use of mindful solutions that benefit all stakeholders.
Dr. Ali is the Founder and Managing Director of the Caribbean Network for Empowerment Through Training (CNETT) and creator of the LifeCanvas Coaching Program (LIFE CANVAS COACHING). She has spent more than 10 years working in the Caribbean region with Small Island Developing States (SIDS).
As the National Project Coordinator for the development of a National Biosafety Framework (NBF) under the guidance of a National Biosafety Committee for Trinidad and Tobago, Dr. Ali managed all aspects of the project including administration, risk assessment, communication, and public engagement which included the production and dissemination of public awareness materials. As a Policy Development Consultant with the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Dr. Ali has been actively consulting over the last 2 years on Caribbean-wide pilot projects that can lead to small business agri-business development. Some of these projects include: The use insects as a novel feed source for animal rearing, and the use of shade houses for crop production, improve the efficiency in agri-business.
Dr. Ali, as an outstanding innovator has contributed significantly to the Agricultural Sector in Trinidad and Tobago, and in so doing has accumulated several noted achievements; Some of these include; Concept Development Consultant with MC3 Strategies for the generation of new businesses, Developing a Roadmap for the Agricultural Sector, ‘The. New Agriculture and Agribusiness” which focused on training and business development for micro and small businesses along the agri-value chain, and Conceptualized and implemented a national vocational outreach agriculture training and business development program.
Leveling-up Learning Institute (LULI) welcomes Dr. Ali with all of her expertise and experiences, but specifically as a personal and business development coach, who has helped to shape LULI.